Siding for your Tiny House

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Siding for your Tiny House

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Various types of siding from metal to wood can be used to cover the frame of your tiny home. You want to make sure the siding is a light weight material and make sure to seal the frame with paper wrap. You can buy cheap paper wrap for houses on amazon or online.

Marking the Studs

When putting on the siding it’s best to get your pencil and draw lines where all the studs are so you know where to drill in those screws or hammer in those nails. It’s tough when your putting up the siding and you can’t find the studs. Make it easy on yourself on mark the studs so you know where they are.

Cement Fiber Siding

Cement fiber comes in 12 foot planks and is popular for houses because it is insect proof and has a longer longevity and durability then wood. The only trouble is that you have to be careful not to crack the cement fiber when nailing or screwing it in. Once it’s attached to the frame, it’s solid. You can use a nail gun but that might crack it, construction screws work good, you can cover up the screws when you layer the siding.

Metal Siding Sheets

You can buy plastic or metal siding as 4×8’s or bigger and nail it to the sides of the frame, this is a cheap, lightweight, and cost effective way to put on some siding but make sure that it’s the look that you want, metal looks much different than wood.

Wood siding

Use light weight reclaimed or recycled wood for the siding vs heavier pieces. The lighter the Tiny House is the better it will be able to move. Natural wood siding looks good on Tiny Houses.